

The dreaded test result

Students came back to campus this fall, whether virtually or in-person, ready to feel a sense of normalcy in our anything but ordinary lives, but some did not get that chance. Rather than being there for the first day of class, three IUPUI roommates were all awaiting their dreaded test results back. Junior ...

Student Life

The New Norm

COVID-19 is the virus that brought the world to pieces. Everyone was affected from losing loved ones, students being sent home and the vast changes in work environments. People have been facing tremendous amounts of change for their everyday lives for months now, but is this our new normal?  If so, ...


Anxiety Aftermath of COVID-19

Millions of students and teachers were forced to transition to entirely online classes when COVID-19 first started to spread. Now that most students are back on campus, there is a major difference between life before and after the start of the global pandemic. At IUPUI, students have multiple different ...


Glancing at History Through a Virtual Lens

As tourists wander the streets of modern Rome, imaginations go rampant trying to recreate the rubble that remains from one of the world’s largest empires. The republican Forum Romanum, once adorned with lavish basilicae, massive temples, and decorative monuments, is all but column bases, temple fragments, ...


COVID-19 impacting students beyond school grounds

IUPUI students had to make drastic changes when school chose to move online as the coronavirus epidemic entered Indiana. Students that lived in on-campus housing had to go home, and many students who live on campus are not citizens of Indiana. All students are now using Zoom to attend class, and it ...


Lucas Rhed: Overcoming adversity again and again

As a sophomore in high school, Lucas Rhed wanted to focus on basketball and baseball. His former cross country teammates told their coach of Rhed’s running ability. Rhed refused to run when approached, so the coach asked him if he’d like to make a bet. The bet: if the coach could beat Rhed in a ...


IUPUI is preparing in case school will not return in the fall

On April 21, an email was sent out to the School of Liberal Arts faculty detailing the five possibilities for what could happen to the fall 2020 semester. The e-mail, which included a report on the scenario plans for IUPUI, IUPUC, and IU Fort Wayne, outlined the five scenarios that could occur during ...


IUPUI Postpones Spring Commencement

When IUPUI senior Hannah Boswell went to classes the week before spring break, she didn’t know it was the last time in her college career that she would see her closest friends and professors. She didn’t know that the coronavirus would sweep the globe, taking tens of thousands of lives and forcing ...


Jagathon raises record high of $607,870.25

Every March at IUPUI has one main focus, Jagathon. The annual dance marathon where members of the IU community come together to raise money for Riley's Children’s Hospital. This year’s Jagathon will go down in history as all 1,248 members raised a record high of $607,870,25.  15 hours of dancing ...

Student Life

Flatten the Curve

The rise of Coronavirus started in the middle of December last year, as it was discovered for the first time in Wuhan, China. In the past week, COVID-19 has surpassed 25,000 deaths globally, according to CNN. The virus has expanded from China to all around the world in just shy of a month. There are ...


IU suspends in-person classes for the rest of spring semester

IU is suspending in-person classes and moving to online for the rest of the spring semester due to the growing health concern of COVID-19.  To comply with the cancellation of in-person classes and to give students and staff more time to destress, IU has extended spring break an extra week, March 14 ...


Coronavirus Facts and Information for the IU Community

On March 10, IU President Michael A. McRobbie announced that all IU campuses’ courses will be taught online for two weeks following spring break. This announcement followed suit with the more than 300 universities that have canceled or moved courses online since the COVID-19 outbreak. Since then, ...

Student Life

IU campuses suspend in-person classes due to COVID-19

Due to the recent outbreak of COVID-19 in Indiana, all IU campuses' courses will be taught online following spring break, from March 15 to 22. Students will be taught remotely from March 23 to April 5 and are being encouraged to travel to their permanent homes during this time period. Visitors are ...


IU prompts cancellation of spring break trips due to COVID-19

Gov. Eric Holcomb declared Indiana in a state of emergency and urged Marion County to take necessary precautions as the first case of coronavirus was confirmed Friday morning.  Due to the widespread outbreak of COVID-19, Indiana University has canceled all university-sponsored spring break student ...


IU GPA calculator under violation of federal privacy law

A GPA calculator on the Indiana Bloomington campus was in violation of federal privacy law. This included students from all nine IU branch campuses, including graduates from 2015 and later. This calculator was used for the sole purpose under the domain of the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate ...


Influential Black Men of the Last Decade

February calls attention to Black History Month. Throughout time there have been many iconic personalities who are very important to remember. These achievements have been among the greatest and no doubt have played key roles in what our country has become. Looking at some of the greatest male figures, ...

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