
Student Life

The Future for IUPUI Post-Pandemic

Uncertainty remains across the nation as Covid-19 continues to surge across the United States, but efforts by Indiana University to mitigate further spread could provide clarity regarding the future of college campuses. Back in May, when Indiana’s peak amount of daily coronavirus cases was still ...

Student Life

CAPS helping students through COVID-19 and Finals stress

The recent election is one of the most important and controversial we have seen in many years. As a generation of young adults that longs to see change and make a difference, our voice is more important than ever. This is a crazy hard year for everyone as we fight through social movements and a pandemic. ...

Student Life

Speaker's Lab Struggles with COVID-19 adjustments

The freshman did not like the idea of stepping into Cavanaugh Hall’s quiet basement and wasting his time on crafting a silly speech. But the thought of not passing his speech class was scary. So off he went looking for hope. He stepped into the brightly lit Speaker’s Lab, which was so different ...

Student Life

Covid-19’s Effect on Zeta Tau Alpha

According to the IUPUI Covid Dashboard, the percentage of positive Covid-19 cases of IUPUI students increased from 4.94% in August to 30.46% in November, making the year look very different for members of IUPUI’s Zeta Tau Alpha. “This year recruitment was on zoom over two days from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. ...

Student Life

The Freshman College Experience: COVID Edition

Across the nation, college students everywhere are continually adjusting to the unpredictable pandemic and what the unknown holds. A large majority of classes are being taken online with weekly lecture meetings on Zoom, masks are required to be worn at all times while on campus, and the opportunity ...

Student Life

Going forward: How IUPUI is handling COVID-19

For students at IUPUI, this semester involved adjusting to changes such as remote learning, wearing masks and social distancing all while students continued to work toward their degrees and education. As of November 8, the positivity rates among IUPUI students remained remarkably low. According to ...

Student Life

Period Poverty

According to, on average, women spend anywhere from $150-300 a year on tampons and pads and an additional $20-$50 on over-the-counter medication to relieve cramps and other side effects that come with periods.  In a lifetime, women have an estimated 500 menstrual cycles from ...

Student Government

2020 Vice Presidential Debate Recap

Since the first Presidential Debate was a national embarrassment, all eyes were set on the Vice Presidential Debate between current Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Kamala Harris. A debate that many political analysts have said is the most important Vice Presidential Debate in American history.  To ...


The dreaded test result

Students came back to campus this fall, whether virtually or in-person, ready to feel a sense of normalcy in our anything but ordinary lives, but some did not get that chance. Rather than being there for the first day of class, three IUPUI roommates were all awaiting their dreaded test results back. Junior ...

Student Life

The New Norm

COVID-19 is the virus that brought the world to pieces. Everyone was affected from losing loved ones, students being sent home and the vast changes in work environments. People have been facing tremendous amounts of change for their everyday lives for months now, but is this our new normal?  If so, ...


Anxiety Aftermath of COVID-19

Millions of students and teachers were forced to transition to entirely online classes when COVID-19 first started to spread. Now that most students are back on campus, there is a major difference between life before and after the start of the global pandemic. At IUPUI, students have multiple different ...


Glancing at History Through a Virtual Lens

As tourists wander the streets of modern Rome, imaginations go rampant trying to recreate the rubble that remains from one of the world’s largest empires. The republican Forum Romanum, once adorned with lavish basilicae, massive temples, and decorative monuments, is all but column bases, temple fragments, ...

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