

“The Price of Progress” Play Preview

The near west side of Indianapolis has a rich, predominately African-American history that precedes IUPUI by a century. To celebrate the campus’ half-century milestone and these community roots, the Multicultural Center has produced the play “The Price of Progress: The Indiana Avenue/IUPUI Story.” ...


How I Learned I’m a Secular Humanist

I don’t like to advertise that I’m atheist. Not because I feel threatened by religion, but because the loudest atheists, like Richard Dawkins, give the rest of us a bad reputation. Rather than battle conservative Biblical literalism, New Atheists typically stigmatize religion wholecloth. But not ...

The Setonian

Jagathon: A History

Hundreds of people from different backgrounds, different cultures, and different beliefs gather in the Campus Center of IUPUI each year for one reason: for the kids. With their sore legs and stretched smiles, everyone stands, fights, and dances for the children struggling at the Riley Hospital for Children ...


Victoria Lipscomb: Commitment to Excellence

If you take a trip up interstate-69 headed northwest from Indianapolis, past the glacial cut rivers of Fort Wayne and through the rolling hills just outside the Capitol region of Michigan, you will find yourself in the cozy town of East Lansing, population 48,844. This town raised IUPUI’s assistant ...


New Year, New Books

Starting in February of 2019, students and faculty will have the opportunity to choose whatever book they want to read through the new system, Books on Demand powered by the University Library. “Books on Demand is a new program the library has launched that allows students, faculty and staff to ...


International Peer Mentoring Program Helps Students Acclimate

After 30 years, IUPUI’s Office of International Affairs has not slowed down. To help new students, the OIA runs the International Peer Mentoring Program (IPMP). Mentors guide students in their first years through both typical student concerns and the social complexities of being a young person abroad. ...


Poverty Simulation Aims to Open Eyes

It is hard for many to imagine the true struggles of life below the poverty line because we are so conditioned to our ways of life and having the basic needs of living at our fingertips. Poverty is a harsh reality for millions of people throughout the U.S. as well as people that we see and interact ...


Celebrating Black History at IUPUI

In IUPUI’s storied history, not everything is positive. Displacing many African Americans from their homes, many can look back and make assumptions about this school. Starting with their treatment of Black History Month, IUPUI has tried to rectify past transgressions. Black History Month’s origins ...


IUPUI Commemorates International Holocaust Memorial Week

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free.” These words, written by American poet Emily Lazarus and inscribed at the base of the Statue of Liberty, served as a backdrop for IUPUI’s Holocaust Remembrance Ceremony held on Jan. 28 in Hine Hall auditorium. For keynote ...


Reports Find Increase in Rape and Dating Violence at IUPUI

The instances of rape, fondling and dating violence reported on the IUPUI campus increased in 2017 compared to the previous two years, according to Indiana University Police Department data. The number of reported rapes increased from four in 2016 to eight in 2017, fondling rose from one in 2016 to ...


IUPUI Celebrates 50th Birthday

When you think of IUPUI, what is the first thing you think of? Diversity? Academic Success? The Natatorium? Parking, oh the parking! Those and many other of those aspects helped create IUPUI into what it is today. Since the downtown satellite campuses for Indiana University and Purdue University merged ...


Fresh Produce at IUPUI

 The fresh market was first introduced to IUPUI’s campus in 2012 as a way to aid Healthy IU in bringing awareness to locally grown food and its benefits. The next time you can visit the Fresh Produce Market in IUPUI’s Campus Center is Feb. 21. The set up will be located on the first floor in front ...


Price of Progress

IUPUI officially turned 50 on Thursday and celebrated with balloons, cupcakes and speeches. The Campus Center was packed with students and visitors experiencing the campus at its finest. Although IUPUI has much to commemorate, there are those on campus who feel the university needs to own up to its ...

Student Life

The Cheap Cost to Change

To start off the new year, the fitness center, located in in the lower level of the Campus Center, implemented new features to the Campus Recreation Membership. “The access to the recreation sports is actually a student fee, it is not a membership. It is an optional student fee for those who do ...

Student Life

Therapy Dogs Help IUPUI Students Cope with Finals

It's the most wonderful time of the year! Holiday lights are strung around Indianapolis, campus is decorated with wreaths and Christmas music is blasting on the radio. And then...there's finals. To help students cope with the stress and horrors that come with finals week, Love on a Leash brought therapy ...


IUPUI Students Celebrate Hanukkah

“Hanukkah is a time for me to be with family and friends and loved ones and celebrate our heritage and our traditions,” IUPUI student Belinda Oberman said. Oberman was among the Jewish students and faculty celebrating Hanukkah at the Campus Center this week. The Jewish Student Association informed ...


Science Dean Emeritus Bart Ng's $1 Million Planned Gift

The School of Science at IUPUI will receive a $1 million planned gift from science dean emeritus Bart Ng. The gift will be in honor of the dean emeritus’s late brother, Joseph S. Ng. “His brother recently passed away and he made this gift in honor of his brother’s memory,” current science dean ...


Department Spotlight: PR and Outreach

Follow along The Campus Citizen PR and Outreach Coordinator, Casey Kenworthy, as he explains his role, the many opportunities his department provides, including advertising and graphic design! Follow The Campus Citizen: Twitter: @CampusCitizen Facebook: The Campus Citizen Instagram: @thecampuscitizen Check ...

Student Life

LGBTQ+ Center director shares plans

Three months into his tenure, IUPUI’s LGBTQ+ Center director A.J. Young already has ambitious plans. Working with other campus organizations, Young has invited Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend to IUPUI in February 2019. During the spring semester, Young also plans to update the popular Safe Zone ...

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